Walking in God’s Truth
Come into My presence. I want you to come closer. I love to talk and hang out with you! I created you to fly and soar in My Spirit. As you allow My Spirit to flow and take you where I prompt you, you will experience greater freedom joy and peace.
Take My hand and let us walk together. You are precious to Me and I love to spend time with you. Deep touching deep.So often your thoughts are the opposite of what I actually think. I know you intimately and am sad when you believe the lies of the enemy -do not perceive them as truth and dwell on them. I look on your heart. I see, I know you and I love you. My love overflows and surrounds you every moment of your life. I am proud of who you are, you are My treasured creation.
Show My people, tell My people that I love them. You are Mine!
Condemnation is not from Me. Guilt is not from Me. Inadequacy and not measuring up does not come from Me. Not fitting in is not from Me. I have created you uniquely and you fit perfectly in the place and position for which you were created. Inferiority does not come from Me. Do not accept these thoughts. Those I call, I equip. I open doors for you to walk through. No one can close those doors and I close doors where you should not go. Never forget that you are in My hand. You have submitted yourself to Me and I take care of My own!
Take off those garments that are not of Me. My garments fit perfectly and enhance your beauty. Your inner beauty radiates when adorned with My truth.Clothe yourself and your vulnerability with Me and My promises. I am more than enough.