Seek My Face
Psalm 34:4-5 I sought the Lord and He answered me, He delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to Him are radiant, their faces are never covered with shame.
Do you focus on Me or on all the ‘what if’s’ of your life? When you look to Me, the ‘what if’s in your world fade into the background for I take every fear and concern upon myself when you release them to Me.
The enemy will do anything to focus your eyes around you and within you and not on Me for he knows you cannot do both at the same time. His goal is to distract and destroy you, for by you following My purpose and plans for your life , you are a threat to Him.The battle can be intense, the weapons are deception, lies, accusation, doubt, shame, guilt and many more.
The purpose – to take your eyes off Me- My truth My love, My protection, My ways, my freedom which are all freely available for you 24/7.
Beware of the tyranny of the urgent, and the pressure of demands of your life that are not from Me. Seek Me. Focus on the things that have eternal significance and meaning. Allow Me to lead you on a different path not taken by the crowd, but created by Me for you to walk. A path towards intimacy and freedom in My presence. A path leading out of the safety of your comfort zone into the daily divine assignments I have planned for you. Have the courage to step forward and shed off the things that hold you back.
My love and peace leave no room for shame and fear. You will experience this as you live in My presence as a lifestyle.
Take courage, and seek My face and walk in My ways Let us journey together.

Fanning the Flame